Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders Xbox Cheats

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Hint: Experience Bonus:
There is a mission in Gerald's mission (Easy) where you are first learning to set things on fire with archers. It starts off with you and Hugh fighting Regnier head on. Then Hugh orders you to retreat to protect the king. Run for the king with the your infantry but leave your archers behind and shoot Regnier unit. Just run to the king, dont' head to the highlighted area until Regniers unit is defeated. Believe it or not, Hugh's 10 level troop can hold its own against Regniers 50th level one with your archers firing into the melee. It takes a while but your archers will kill Regnier's unit and Hugh will be standing around doing nothing. Run those archers back to the king and then proceed with your troops to the retreat point with the king. The experience gain for that single mission should allow you some lee-way in playing around with Gerald's units.

Hint: Shop Around
This hint is verified for single player only. During a campaign, you will have the opportunity to upgrade your equipment for your leaders and officers. Usually one or two of the items are of better than average quality, but you will have to look through each person's list (including your force's list) of stuff available.

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